Decent Work is stable, secure work with a guaranteed livable income where workers participate in decisions that affect them, and they feel valued and supported to reach their full potential. Decent Work in Aotearoa recognises our relationships under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the impact of our history on inequality and poverty.
Decent Work pillars
Member stories
“When I got into security, I found out that so many guards are on minimum wage and you can’t make ends meet that way. So, I am lobbying and campaigning for Fair Pay Agreements and the Living Wage, because what we get paid now doesn’t reflect the mahi that we do. Let’s use COVID-19 as our opportunity to fix these big pressing issues.”
Rosey Ngakopu, security
“I work in home support because I care about the wellbeing of others – and that includes workers. When we are healthy, safe and have enough to live on, that benefits our families and community too.”
Tarsh Dixon, home support
Stand tall with us for Decent Work